Koneksi Jaringan ke Ethernet Converter + Belkin Source – Produk yang sangat diperlukan untuk Lightning Connector HMJU2ZM/A Device

Ethernet Converter + Sumber Belkin dengan Lightning Connector HMJU2ZM/A adalah produk berkualitas tinggi yang membantu menghubungkan jaringan Ethernet dan pengisian daya cepat untuk perangkat Apple dengan port petir. Dirancang kompak, nyaman dan andal, produk ini akan membantu Anda mengalami internet dengan cepat dan stabil kapan saja, di mana saja.
Beli sekarang: https://macbook.pro.vn/bo-chuyen-doi-ethernet-nguon-belkin-voi-lightning-connector-hmju2zm-a/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bo -Chuyen-do -ether-belkin-belkin -Belkin -voi-lightning-connector-hmju2Zm-a

< UL Data-Core-Accordion Class = "RC-Accordion RF-PDP-ACCORDIONLIST RC-ACKORDION-HOVER">

  • Informasi produk


                Belkin&#8217;s Ethernet + Power Adapter with Lightning Connector is the perfect solution if you or your business need a fast, secure, and reliable wired Internet connection for your iPhone or iPad. It offers both Power over Ethernet and Lightning ports, so you can connect to a secure network while continuing to charge your iOS device. Power over Ethernet compatibility also provides another convenient way to connect and charge simultaneously with a single cable.

    Mendukung Kekuatan Over Ethernet (POE)

                This adapter works with Power over Ethernet-enabled connections, so when PoE is available there’s no need to plug in a Lightning cable—simply charge through your existing PoE-enabled cable.

    Pembaruan Aplikasi Belkin Connect

                Download the Belkin Connect app to make sure you get any future firmware updates to keep your Ethernet + Power Adapter performing optimally.


                Lightning and Ethernet ports to deliver power and hardwired Internet simultaneously
                Perfect for small and mid-size businesses
                Secure Ethernet connection
                Support for Power over Ethernet (PoE) up to 12W
                Belkin Connect app delivers future firmware updates for continued optimal performance
                Mfi certified

    Apa yang ada di dalam kotak

                Belkin Ethernet + Power Adapter with Lightning Connector
                Quick install guide

    Spesifikasi teknologi

                Connections: Ethernet, Lightning

    Informasi pabrikan

    Nomor bagian

                Mfr. Part Number: F8J227dsWHT
                UPC or EAN No.: 745883739721


                Note: Products sold through this website that do not bear the Apple brand name are serviced and supported exclusively by their manufacturers in accordance with terms and conditions packaged with the products. Apple’s Limited Warranty does not apply to products that are not Apple branded, even if packaged or sold with Apple products. Please contact the manufacturer directly for technical support and customer service.
                Warranty: Two-year limited
  • Kesesuaian

    Queen Mobile adalah alamat yang dapat diandalkan untuk evaluasi dan pembelian produk teknologi. Ethernet Converter + Sumber Belkin dengan Lightning Connector HMJU2ZM/A adalah produk berharga yang tidak dapat Anda lewatkan. Dengan kualitas yang baik, desain yang indah, dan fitur -fitur superior, Anda tidak akan menyesal membeli produk ini di Queen Mobile. Tinjau dan beli sekarang untuk mengalami kenyamanan dan efektivitas produk ini. #QueenMobile #sceller #muangay #belkinetherAdapapter #lightningcondectorhmju2zm/a

    Beli sekarang: https://macbook.pro.vn/bo-chuyen-doi-ethernet-nguon-belkin-voi-lightning-connector-hmju2zm-a/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bo -Chuyen-do -ether-belkin-belkin -Belkin -voi-lightning-connector-hmju2Zm-a

    Beli Produk di Vietnam:
    Queen Mobile berspesialisasi dalam menyediakan ponsel iPhone, tablet iPad, jam tangan pintar dan aksesori Apple dan solusi elektronik dan rumah pintar. Queen Mobile sangat senang melayani Anda ….
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    ✿ 287 Street 3/2 P 10, Q 10, HCM
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    Waktu Kerja: 9H – 21H.

    Ethernet Converter + Sumber Belkin dengan Lightning Connector HMJU2ZM/A adalah produk serbaguna dan utilitas untuk pengguna. Dengan kemampuan untuk mengonversi Ethernet dan menyediakan sumber cepat melalui port Lightning, produk ini membantu pengguna terhubung ke internet dengan mudah dan cepat. Pada saat yang sama, produk ini juga dirancang agar kompak, nyaman untuk dibawa bersama Anda. Ini jelas merupakan pilihan ideal bagi mereka yang mencari aksesori multifungsi dan efektif.

    Beli sekarang: https://macbook.pro.vn/bo-chuyen-doi-ethernet-nguon-belkin-voi-lightning-connector-hmju2zm-a/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bo -Chuyen-do -ether-belkin-belkin -Belkin -voi-lightning-connector-hmju2Zm-a

    < UL Data-Core-Accordion Class = "RC-Accordion RF-PDP-ACCORDIONLIST RC-ACKORDION-HOVER">

  • Informasi produk


                Belkin&#8217;s Ethernet + Power Adapter with Lightning Connector is the perfect solution if you or your business need a fast, secure, and reliable wired Internet connection for your iPhone or iPad. It offers both Power over Ethernet and Lightning ports, so you can connect to a secure network while continuing to charge your iOS device. Power over Ethernet compatibility also provides another convenient way to connect and charge simultaneously with a single cable.

    Mendukung Kekuatan Over Ethernet (POE)

                This adapter works with Power over Ethernet-enabled connections, so when PoE is available there’s no need to plug in a Lightning cable—simply charge through your existing PoE-enabled cable.

    Pembaruan Aplikasi Belkin Connect

                Download the Belkin Connect app to make sure you get any future firmware updates to keep your Ethernet + Power Adapter performing optimally.


                Lightning and Ethernet ports to deliver power and hardwired Internet simultaneously
                Perfect for small and mid-size businesses
                Secure Ethernet connection
                Support for Power over Ethernet (PoE) up to 12W
                Belkin Connect app delivers future firmware updates for continued optimal performance
                Mfi certified

    Apa yang ada di dalam kotak

                Belkin Ethernet + Power Adapter with Lightning Connector
                Quick install guide

    Spesifikasi teknologi

                Connections: Ethernet, Lightning

    Informasi pabrikan

    Nomor bagian

                Mfr. Part Number: F8J227dsWHT
                UPC or EAN No.: 745883739721


                Note: Products sold through this website that do not bear the Apple brand name are serviced and supported exclusively by their manufacturers in accordance with terms and conditions packaged with the products. Apple’s Limited Warranty does not apply to products that are not Apple branded, even if packaged or sold with Apple products. Please contact the manufacturer directly for technical support and customer service.
                Warranty: Two-year limited
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