Galaxy S25 Ultra: “Agama” biru dari iPhone 15?
Apple yang baru diluncurkan iPhone 15 tampaknya telah menginspirasi warna biru yang ingin digunakan Samsung di Galaxy S25 Ultra. Jika rumor dari sumber yang andal dikonfirmasi, Samsung akan memilih warna biru yang cukup terang, menambahkan sejumlah kecil partikel abu -abu, menciptakan warna hijau abu -abu yang sangat halus.
#Galaxys25ultra #samsung #iphone15 #color #elektrik #sing
Galaxy S25 Ultra: Samsung tampaknya terinspirasi oleh iphone biru 15
The Apple iPhone 15 was probably an inspiration for the shade of blue that Samsung plans to use for the Galaxy S25 Ultra. If this latest leak from a usually reliable source turns out to be true, Samsung will opt for a rather gray coloring with a minimal amount of blue particles.
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The Apple iPhone 15 was probably an inspiration for the shade of blue that Samsung plans to use for the Galaxy S25 Ultra. If this latest leak from a usually reliable source turns out to be true, Samsung will opt for a rather gray coloring with a minimal amount of blue particles.
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